Political Repartition of Food Around the World


During the Summer 2015, I organised a participatory performance about political distriburion of food in-between country presented as a live action board game in a bigger scale, implying real food. The participants were assigned a country who possessed material or tools accordingly to a translation of their real economic power and ressources in the world. They are in charge to trade their "national" food in order to produce themselve a real meal to eat at the end of the game. 

A first trial to this participatory event has been made, however a second version would be appreciated since the aesthetics are a element that could have been improved, simplifying, abstracted,...etc. The role of medatition asks for a great amount of political and historical knowledge. Participantts also well-verbed in those fields are the one who can appreciate the possibilities of this game. The effects of communal gratitude, reached by the end of the performance, were powerful, especially because everyone was equally hungry and now very aware of political inequalities.


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