Eat Art Marathon

July 2017, Montreal Residency


A series of 31 days during which 31 performances of Eat Art were produced, one every day. The aim is to let out ideas I kept in my mind only for too long and to put it to action. It explores various topics around food production and consumption. 

Scroll down after this list to see detailed account of each performance!

July 1st: Last bath with Patch Adams : Spaghetti bath.
July 2nd: Mama Shrine & McDo Shrine: Ritual food in Cemetery. 
July 3rd: Restaurant Manifesto: Night Publications.
July 4th: Magical End of Kitchen Shift: Weed-cake and weed-balloons party. 
July 5th: Manger en vitesse: Performance eating food on bicycle. 
July 6th: Westwood Cook: Fashion photoshoot for future feminine cook uniform. 
July 7th: The hard core of breakfast: Table platter making. 
July 8th: Hold your drink: Hands & glasses representations: photos & drawings. 
July 9th: Dumpster Diving Art: Found Objects Installation at Night. 
July 10th: Lexique du Dégoût: Dictionary-writing to describe disgusting tastes. 
July 11th: Woof Woof Slurp!: TV Cooking show for dogs, subtitles in human english. 
July 12th: Station d'entartage gratuit: Participative station of pie throwing at Mont-Royal Metro. 
July 13th: Hansel and Gretel on St-Catherine street: Downtown participative performance journey. 
July 14th: La nuit des longues cuillères: Banquet of empathy served at the Reacteur. 
July 15th: Love making in a freezer: Photography Series. 
July 16th: Hommage à Daniel Spoerri: Tableau-piège canvas making. 
July 17th: The one and only: Video and day-long performance love story with a carrot.
July 18th: It vomits, cries, pees, and poops...and is not a baby: Foam puppet creation. 
July 19th: The building, our community: Communal meal with all neighbours and music. 
July 20th: It vomits, cries, pees, and poops...and is not a baby: Foam puppet performance 
July 21st: Cereal box zine: Publication of Montreal poetry on assorted cereal boxes. 
July 22nd: Eat Art tattoo: Feet tatooed with eat art. 
July 23rd: Suicide Stop Motion: lots of red. 
July 24th: FASTER! : Music Improv + Cooking Acting performance. 
July 25th: Seeking: Emails and letters to Eat Artists in Canada.
July 26th: Seeking: Emails and letters to Eat Artists on international scene. 
July 27th: Slaughter Box/Boîte Abattoir: Mobile activist intallation. 
July 28th: In honnor of drug legalization: placebo drug dealing station. 
July 29th: Murale d'escalier: Stairs murale. 
July 30th: Sex café and Burrow Café: Publication of Plans for events in September-October 2017. 
July 31st: Starvation Run: Fund raising: 50km forest run for those who are hungry in Venezuela. 

These newspapers covered the marathon or one of the performances:

Pamplemousse news

HRI Magazine


July 1st: Last Bath with Patch Adams
July 2nd: McDo Shrine and Mama Shrine
July 3rd: Restaurant Manifesto
July 4th: A Magical end of shift
July 5th: Manger en vitesse
July 6th: Westwood Cook: Fashion cooks photoshoot
July 7th: The Hard Core of our Breakfast: table
July 8th: Hold Your Drink: Hands and Glasses
July 9th: Dumpster Diving Art
July 10th: Lexique du dégoût
July 11th: Woof Woof Slurp! Dog cooking show
July 12th: Station d'entartement gratuit
July 13th: Hansel and Gretel on St.Catherine
July 14th: The Long-spoons Breakfast
July 15th: Love-making in a freezer
July 16th: Hommage to Daniel Spoerri
July 17th: The one and only: Love story with a parsnip.
July 18th: Foam puppet creation.
July 19th: The Building, our community
July 20th: Foam puppets performance
July 21st: Cereals box-zine
July 22nd: Eat Art tattoo
July 23rd: Suicide Stop Motion
July 24th: Rhythm and Violence in the Kitchen
July 25th: Seeking Mentors: Canada
July 26th: Seeking mentors: International
July 27th: Slaughter Box
July 28th: In Honour of Drug Legalization
July 29th: Chromatic Stairs Still Life
July 30th: Sex and Underground Cabaret Planning
July 31st: 50km Starvation Run for Venezuela
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